A few benefits of being a JACA member:
- Access to our members-only Facebook group which allows you to connect with other members (breeders, handlers, show dog and other competitive activities owners, casual companion dog owners, etc.) to ask questions on training, health and wellness, food, grooming, dog-related equipment, etc., discuss crazy or adorable things your dog did that day, share photos of your dog knowing that we’re all crazy about the breed and will appreciate seeing the fuzzy cuteness of your JA. And yes, sometimes the conversation is about dog poop.
- Discounts on club merchandise, Japanese Akita swag and JACA’s Official Guide to Judging the Japanese Akita.
- Subscription to the very beautiful JACA publication, Wan Wan.
- Private announcements or invitations to our club events before they’re announced to the public.
- Information about breed studies and news from our counterparts in AKIHO (Japan), the JAIC (UK) and the World Union of Akita Clubs (international) as well as our rescue affiliates.
- The opportunity to give back by serving on a committee (only if you want) and the opportunity to take the breed in the right direction and help shape its future.
- Being part of an amazing and supportive group of Japanese Akita owners in the breed parent club of the United States.
- Mentors and information for members interested in showing and breeding.

Here’s what some of our members have to say.
I previously considered myself a seasoned dog owner prior to joining JACA, but Japanese Akitas aren’t your typical dog, and JACA is not your typical club. It’s like the “Cheers” of the dog world – you enter a warm welcoming place where everyone knows your name (and especially your dog’s name). You are surrounded by like-minded individuals who are passionate about their dogs, passionate about improving themselves as owners, passionate about improving the breed and passionate about educating the public on these amazing creatures. I never expected to encounter such wonderful individuals (both humans and dogs) in this group, and both me and my dog ended up developing amazing friendships with other members. We celebrate milestones together, worry over our dogs together, share stories together, and even grieve together as we support one another through all of our dogs’ life stages. This breed and this club will both redefine your experience as a dog owner, and I feel extremely blessed to have found them both.
Individual Membership
Family Membership
Rescue/Adoption Membership
First Year Free
(must provide additional info from rescue)